ApexFBS Fingerboard Rail Centering Tool

SKU: FBP1163

Why it's special



  • Product Description

    These 2 little 3D printed Centering tools help you perfectly align your board rails, with your choice of spacing: 1.5mm and 2.5mm. 

    Includes one set of 2 Rail Centering Tools, and 1 decal.

  • Specifications

    • Each Package includes:
    • 1 Set of Black/White Signature Slickrails
    • 20 screws, 10 silver and 10 black
    • 2 Rail Centering Tools to align your rails for installation. 1.5mm and 2.5mm spacing
    • A 3-in-1 Fingerboard tool
    • 2 ApexFBS decals

Customer Reviews

ApexFBS Fingerboard Rail Centering Tool


These 2 little 3D printed Centering tools help you perfectly align your board rails, with your choice of spacing: 1.5mm and 2.5mm. 

Includes one set of 2 Rail Centering Tools, and 1 decal.

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