Cinta de agarre

(164 productos)
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  • Color:Black and Blue
    Best Seller

    Cinta de agarre Hella Grip Icebox

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  • Color:Green Color:Orange

    Cinta de agarre de camuflaje MOB

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  • Color:Clear

    Cinta de agarre transparente Mob

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  • Color:Black Color:Blue

    Cinta de agarre sólida Flik

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  • Borrador de cinta de agarre mágico negro

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  • Color:Green Color:Red

    Cinta de agarre Vital HeartBeat

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  • Cinta de agarre MOB All Black
    Best Seller

    Cinta de agarre MOB All Black

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  • Color:Blue Color:Gold

    Cinta de agarre con purpurina Vital

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  • color:clear color:clear

    Cinta de agarre transparente con logotipo de goteo TV

    $5.45 $10.95
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  • Cinta de agarre Aztek

    Cinta de agarre Aztek

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  • Cinta de agarre con logotipo Proto HD

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  • Cinta de agarre con logotipo amigable

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  • Color:Blue and Yellow

    Lija con logotipo Hella Grip Classic

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  • Cinta de agarre con logotipo Proto

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  • Color:Neon Blue Color:Neon Green

    Cinta de agarre de neón Flik

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  • Color:Clear and Black Color:Black and Clear

    Cinta de agarre con telaraña Hard Luck

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  • Cinta de agarre con logotipo pintado Apex

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  • Ver información
  • Color:Gray Color:Neon Green

    Cinta de agarre Flik Stripes

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  • Cinta de agarre Hella Grip Hot Wheels

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  • Cinta de agarre Prey Roses

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  • Lija Hella Grip Devin Szydlowski Signature

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  • Color:Blue Color:Green

    Cinta de agarre de color sólido MOB

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  • Cinta de agarre Apex Rainbow

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  • Cinta de agarre PROTO Split Star

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  • Color:Transparent Blue Color:Transparent Green

    Cinta de agarre de color transparente MOB

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  • Lija con logotipo TiLT Block

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  • Cinta de agarre Hella Grip 1998

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  • Color:Heist Color:Soul

    Lija Envy KOS

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  • Hella Grip Classic Vert Grip Tape

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  • Cinta de agarre Proto Skeleton HD

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  • Color:Blue Color:Green

    Cinta de agarre Flik Flake

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  • Lija Hella Grip XL Raven

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  • Color:Red Color:Green

    Lija Envy Colt

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  • Lija de leopardo blanca Flik

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  • Agotado

    Cinta de agarre para gatos Prey

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  • Color:Black Color:Clear

    Cinta de agarre Flik Trees

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  • Color:Splatter

    Cinta de agarre Apex Splatter

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  • Color:Black and White Color:Black and Gray

    Lija a cuadros Flik

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does grip tape last?

A grip tape's lifespan varies greatly depending on how much you ride your scooter, what tricks you're doing, and what conditions you’re riding in. If you ride daily and constantly get moisture on the grip tape, it can wear down in a few weeks. If you don’t ride too often and keep it dry, it can last as long as a year. Griptape should always feel gritty and prevent your shoes from sliding easily across the deck. If yours lacks grit and your foot can move easily, it’s time to replace your grip tape!

What tools do I need to apply grip tape?

You would ideally have a file and a sharp blade when replacing your grip tape. A file isn’t entirely necessary, as you can use any solid piece of metal to score the grip tape before cutting it, but a sharp blade is necessary. 

Is grip tape easy to apply?

Griptape can be a bit tricky to apply or extremely easy; it depends on your tools, skill set, and how you apply it. The hardest section of the deck to install grip tape is around the headtube and on the back end, next to the brake. These deck parts are not usually used for foot placement, so you could just put a solid rectangle of grip tape on your deck from the headtube to the brake, and it will be an extremely easy, quick process. If you want to cut out a fancy design and cover the entire surface of the deck, it’ll take a bit more precision and time, but with the right tools, it shouldn’t be much of an issue.

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