WhytMykConcrete Fingerboard Ramp - Parking Lot Lights

WhytMykConcrete | SKU: FBP1311

Why it's special



  • Product Description

    WhytMykConcrete was started in Huntington Beach, California, by Mike Clarke. He's known for making some of the most unique fingerboard obstacles out there. Everything he makes, whether it's a Brick Bank or Ledge and Rail, comes with a level of detail you won't believe. Every ramp looks purposely worn to give an element of realism. 

  • Specifications

    • Signs on light post may vary
    • Lights are removable to change batteries as needed

Customer Reviews

WhytMykConcrete Fingerboard Ramp - Parking Lot Lights


WhytMykConcrete was started in Huntington Beach, California, by Mike Clarke. He's known for making some of the most unique fingerboard obstacles out there. Everything he makes, whether it's a Brick Bank or Ledge and Rail, comes with a level of detail you won't believe. Every ramp looks purposely worn to give an element of realism. 

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