Trampoline Scooters

(8 products)

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  • Stegga V2 Trampoline Scooter
    Sold out

    Stegga V2 Trampoline Scooter

    $49.95 $179.95
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  • Stegga Mini Trampoline Scooter

    Stegga Mini Trampoline Scooter

    $39.95 $179.95
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  • Envy TS Pro - 6
    New arrival

    Envy TS Pro - 6

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  • Envy TS Pro - 7.5
    New arrival

    Envy TS Pro - 7.5

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  • Stegga V2 Trampoline Deck Kit

    Stegga V2 Trampoline Deck Kit

    $29.95 $129.95
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  • Indo 670 Trampoline Scooter Bar Attachment

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  • Indo Bug Trampoline Scooter

    Indo Bug Trampoline Scooter

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  • Indo Trampoline Scooter Replacement Headset

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you set up a trampoline scooter?

Trampoline scooters are easy to assemble, especially compared to your typical pro scooter. Our trampoline scooters have the necessary tools, hardware, and assembly guides. Most of the time, all that must be done for assembly is to attach the handlebars to the trampoline scooter’s base with the included hardware. Whether you purchase a Stegga, Madd Gear, Envy, or an Indo Trampoline Scooter, you will have everything needed to set it up quickly.

Can you use a scooter on a trampoline?

Trampoline scooters are designed to be used safely on a trampoline. This means you can practice all of your tricks with the safety net of a trampoline under you, as opposed to the wood or concrete floor of a skatepark. Normal pro scooters with wheels should never be used on a trampoline as they can damage your trampoline and pose severe risks of getting hurt. 

What age is appropriate for a trampoline scooter?

Trampoline scooters can be used by people of all ages as long as they can safely use a trampoline already. They come in a wide range of sizes, from the Stegga Mini Trampoline scooter, meant for children as young as 3 years old, to the Indo Pro Trampoline scooter, suitable for someone as tall as six feet!

Are trampoline scooters safe?

Trampoline scooters pose much less risk of serious injury when compared to your average pro scooter. All trampoline scooters come with rounded or cushioned edges, so you won’t have the risk of harming yourself with the scooter itself. Any activity using a trampoline does pose some risks, but trampoline scooters specifically do not pose any additional risks that using a trampoline otherwise would.

How do I choose the right trampoline scooter?

The two main factors to consider when picking the perfect trampoline scooter for you are the weight and size. You will want to get one that has an appropriate handlebar height for you. As for the weight, there are varying Trampoline scooters on the market for different purposes. Some come heavier and even with an aluminum deck, such as the Stegga Trampoline scooter, and these will feel much more similar to a normal pro scooter than one with a foam deck and will serve as good practice for actual scootering. The trampoline scooters with foam decks, such as the Indo Trampoline Scooters, can also serve this purpose but will feel much lighter and more aerodynamic than a traditional scooter deck, so these are primarily to be used for recreation rather than training purposes.

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