Blackriver Finberboard Ramp - Pocket Quarter XL

  • Product Description

    Blackriver's Pocket Quarter was an on-the-go fingerboarder's dream, but size matters at some point. The Pocket Quarter XL is wider than the original so you have more options, but you keep that small form factor for easy transportation. Quarters are a must have if your fingerboard park lacks smooth transition from one end to the other, and the Pocket Quarter XL is even better for the more compact desk setups.

  • Specifications

    • Dimensions may vary due to the ramp being handmade.
    • Length: 9.65"
    • Width: 5.12"
    • Height: 3.15"


Customer Reviews

Blackriver Finberboard Ramp - Pocket Quarter XL


Blackriver's Pocket Quarter was an on-the-go fingerboarder's dream, but size matters at some point. The Pocket Quarter XL is wider than the original so you have more options, but you keep that small form factor for easy transportation. Quarters are a must have if your fingerboard park lacks smooth transition from one end to the other, and the Pocket Quarter XL is even better for the more compact desk setups.

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